Hope all you Moms out there had a wonderful Mothers day yesterday!!
The first batch of winners of Becky Higgins "BIG" photography giveaway is posted on her blog and you can check it out here. My winner, please contact me so that we can schedule your session date, I'm very much looking forward to meeting you. Thank you so much to everyone who left a comment and your kind words about my work. I really appreciate it! Many of your stories touched my heart!! I wish you all could have won the session/package. So, I have a special offer for you, a $40 print credit with purchase of a session to those who left comments in Becky's blog. Please give me a call or e-mail me if you'd like to schedule a session. I just love this photo of these two beautiful sisters and so does their Mom!
Hope you all have a wonderful week!
Awesome! I love your new blog look!
Sooo excited and grateful to be the winner! I can't wait for my beautiful friend Sarah and her family to enjoy their surprise. And I enjoyed calling Sarah from Australia to surprise her with the big news :)
I hope you all have a special time together and thank you so much for this opportunity and your generosity, Christine!
Oh and I love your blog! Really appeals to the Scrapbooker in me :)
God bless,
Thanks, Katherine and Ali:)
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