Had the wonderful pleasure of meeting sweet Baby G, who at the time of his session was just over two weeks old. Such a cutie!! Well, during the session he was so interested in his surroundings he decided he wasn't going to sleep, much to his mama's dismay. We tried everything and then we had to unexpectedly end the session:( Upstairs, my son had an unfortunate accident that involved his top two teeth and his play table. He scared himself, his sitter and his mama silly!! But, in the end he was okay! Took til the end of the day for his teeth to stop bleeding but he was a trooper. No images of the crime scene, but here are a few sneak peeks of baby G. Enjoy!!
Trying to get calm with binky:)

His adorable baby's first Christmas outfit!!

Thank you, Megan for choosing me to take photos of your sweet baby boy. Looking forward to seeing you next week. So sorry we had to cut our session short, thanks for understanding:) We'll get those sleeping baby shots yet:) Have a wonderful weekend!!