Wednesday, May 13, 2009

~Gorgeous little Angel~

I have to proclaim as I usually do, that I have the best job ever:)! I had the pleasure of spending last Friday with a sweet family who have been blessed with a gorgeous baby boy. Baby "I" is an adorable little angel sent straight from heaven. He was so alert for his photo debut! He didn't want to miss out on anything. We had a great time. He's a lucky little guy with a terrific set of parents who clearly adore him. And, he had a special visitor all the way from the East Coast, his grandmother! Hope you had a wonderful first Mother's day! Enjoy your sneak peek! Congrats on your sweet baby boy.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

~Sweet dreams~

Happy Wednesday to All! I'm making a concerted effort to get back in the habit of posting again, we'll see how long it lasts! LOL:) For some reason this week I've been really tired. It's been kind of gray the past two days and today we finally have some sunshine. So, since I've been so sleepy I thought I would post one of my fav images of a beautiful baby boy who is slumbering so adorably. Isn't that smile just so precious. I wonder what he could be dreaming about! He looks so cuddly I wish I could just snuggle up and take a nap with him.
Thanks for looking:)